
21/09/2024 - 15/10/2024

The bald man has occupied the centre of Orchard’s work for many years. He is an avatar that stands in for the artist in many situations. In this new body of workhe/it travels across 2023 and 2024 in the guise of the suited bald man and the occasional Pulcinello, the everyman of the Italian comedia del arte. He dances the adagio and stands witness to the politics of our time and in doing so plumbs not just the theatre of social discourse but reveals the ‘desegno’ of the human condition.


Christopher Orchard 'A NIGHT WATCH' oil on canvas 122x152cm $26,000
Christopher Orchard Proxy Oil on linen 121 x 275 cm $40,000
Christopher Orchard. THE CANDIDATE. Oil on linen. 122 x 275cm $40,000
Christopher Orchard ADAGIO 1 watercolour, charcoal pencil and pastel on paper 30.5 x 22.5cm $2,000
Christopher Orchard  ADAGIO 2 watercolour, charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper(Fabriano). 30.5 x 22.5 cm $2,000
Christopher Orchard ADAGIO 3 Watercolour charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper (Fabriano). 45.5 x 30.5cm $3,000
Christopher Orchard ADAGIO 4 Watercolour,charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper (Fabriano) 30.5 x 22.5 cm $2,000
Christopher Orchard FULL DISCLOSURE. 2023. Charcoal on paper. 110x85cm $10,000
Christopher Orchard. THE CONCERT 2 Watercolour,charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper (Fabriano) 30.5 x 22.5 cm $2,000
Christopher Orchard THE CONCERT 1 Watercolour, charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper (Fabriano) 45.5 x 30.5 cm $3,000
Christopher Orchard  THE CONVERSATION Watercolour, charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper (Fabriano) 45.5 x 30.5 cm $3,000
Christopher Orchard THE MODELLER Watercolour, charcoal pencil and pastel pencil on paper 45.5 x 30.5cm(Fabriano) $3,000
Christopher Orchard THE WITNESS. 2023. Charcoal on paper 100x80cm $10,000
Christopher Orchard TWO OF A KIND 2024. Watercolour charcoal pencil pastel pencil on paper(Fabriano) 45.5 x 30.5 $3,000
Christopher Orchard CHORUS 2024. Watercolour charcoal pencil pastel pencil on paper(Fabriano) 45.5 x 30.5 cm $3,000