Australia is flat and so I paint it that way; this is where my work gets its meaning. The idiosyncratic and many times counter-intuitive process of interaction between water and earth, and between elements across the horizontal surface of the canvas, reveal how close the practice of painting comes to forming textures and images that mimic the geology of this place. But of course it’s not real, and the exciting part is in creating something fanciful out of nothing that would otherwise be non-existent.For me, painting is a symbolic dynamic made mythical by embracing the idea of the artist’s serendipitous journey with their subject, fantastical worlds and seemingly impossible visions. I now find myself embracing the chaos and looking less towards making sense. This process of art making, through application of opposites and unknowns, is a pattern I see reflected in all living things, as well as within the spontaneous and random nature of life itself.- Bec Juniper, 2018.


Juniper_Ephemeral Earth Rhythms_mixed media on canvas_140 x 140cm_master
Bec Juniper_Petrifed Dune_mixed media on canvas_120x160cm_Master
Felspar and mica 150 x150 cm
Juniper_Times Patina_mixed media on canvas_120 x 180cm_large
Matisse dancers on waters reflection 120 x 120 cm
Scoured out surface 120 x160 cm
Seen and unseen tuttut of the tide 150 x150 cm
Zuytdorp 1712 on 3 billion year old rocks 150 x150 cm $13,000